Essex RFU – Volunteer Recognition Program.

Over the last season I have been amazed by the way rugby volunteers have bounced back, after a  challenging couple of years, to support the return of rugby. They are the most important asset that rugby has, and we are appreciative of every volunteer who makes our sport happen day in, day out”’.

Jeff Blackett, RFU Past President.

Without Volunteers, giving their time to support the game whether at a Club or supporting the CB, then the game we love would not survive therefore we are proud to recognise our dedicated and selfless volunteers who are essential to the success and sustainability of rugby across the County.

Whether coaches, referees, club officers, CB officers, parents or guardians, your dedication, time, and willingness to commit, deserve the highest accolades, as such Essex RFU want to ensure recognition for all you give.

Essex RFU – Life Members Award.

This is the highest award the County can give. Iit goes to those individuals that over many years of service have been part of the Executive and have striven to drive Essex Rugby forward. Their performance over time has left lasting legacy on the County. Nomination will be made by the CB’s Executive.

Essex RFU – Value Volunteer Award.

This award is for a person or persons nominated by a Club, for services to rugby. Recepients should be unsung heroes who make a significant contrbution to their club. A Member of the CB’s Executive will attend the Club, and present a Essex Valued Volunteer Certificate and pool shirt.

Essex RFU Presidents – Value Volunteer Award.

This award s for services to Essex RFU, It is for those volunteers who support the CB in delivery of its programs and obectives. The award will be presented by the President at our annual Volunteerr Event and presented with an Essex Value Volunteer Certificate and polo shirt. Nomination will be made by the CB’s Executive

Essex RFU Special Award.

This is an award made by the CB to an individual who has achieved a notable achievment for the County, this covers things like, long and distinguished service such as a Club Officer, meritious activity on or off the the field or a long standing retiring Club volunteer. The individual plus a guest will be invited to Twickenham where they will be hosted by the Essex RFU Council Member at the offcial pre game lunch, Nominations should be made to the Chair of the County.

5.  Nomination Process.

Nomibations for an Essex Voluinteer Award are tobe made using the nomination form below and sent to [email protected].

Nominatioin Form-  Essex RFU Volunteer Nomination Form


RFU Honda Volunteer Recognition Program.

The Honda Volunteer Recognition Programme provides grassroots rugby clubs, Constituent Bodies, and the rugby community with opportunities to recognise and reward the volunteers who make up an integral part of the game. The Honda Volunteer Recognition programme provides a platform to recognise all volunteers who have made a great contribution to their club and community – no matter their role. On or off the pitch, behind the scenes or on the committee.

Each nominee will be invited to a presentation held by Essex RFU, where they will receive Valued Volunteer Certificates and RFU stash.

The top 3 nominees will be forwarded to the Regional review panel, with the top nominee being invited to Twickenham for the County wide awards ceremony.