Rugby Safe
RugbySafe Leads.
As part of Regulation 9 (Player Safety), it is requirement of both the CB and the Club to have named RugbySale Leads, the sections below lay out the purpose and Responsibilities of these roles.
The CB RugbySafe Lead should be an individual (or a team of individuals) in the CB who leads on improving Regulation 9 (Player Safety) standards, promoting awareness and good practice of other player welfare initiatives, for a full description of the role go to:
Every Club is required under Regulation 9 to have a Club RugbySafe Lead whose role should be an integral part of the clubs volunteer structure. With the support and buy-in from the club Executive Committee/Board and all sections of the club, the Club RugbySafe Lead will be an individual (or a team of individuals) who leads on impr oving Regulation 9 (Player Safety) standards and promoting awareness and good practice of otherplayer welfare initiatives, for a full description of the role go to;
To find out more about RugbySafe, the RFU have produced a series of podcasts, under the title “Keep Your Boots On”, these can accessed at:
Being Rugbysafe 2024-25
RugbySafe is the RFU’s overarching player safety and wellbeing programme, putting player welfare at the heart of the game and covering how the game should be organised and managed to ensure that rugby is played in a safe and enjoyable environment.
RugbySafe provides guidance and resources for all rugby activity organisers on what needs to be in place. We recognise that mental and physical wellbeing go hand in hand with developing a positive player welfare culture and keeping the rugby community healthy.
Clubs and all organisers of rugby activities have a responsibility towards the health and safety of players, staff and volunteers. Appropriate measures for training, first aid provision and equipment should be in place to ensure that rugby union is delivered to the highest standards in a safe and enjoyable environment.
Being RugbySafe, is the RFU’s guide and is the ‘Ultimate RugbySafe’ resource.
It provides an overview of the different areas of RugbySafe to ensure you provide a safe and enjoyable playing environment. This guidance is deemed best practice and it recommends that clubs and other activity organisers implement these practices and policies where possible.
Download Being RugbySafe 2024/5, using the link below.
RugbySafe Checklist.
The RugbySafe Checklist contains the 10 Steps to Being RugbySafe and will help you in recognising any aspect of your club’s RugbySafe responsibilities you may need to develop. Download this essential list of those areads that need covering by using the link below.
RugbySafe Essential Guides, Forms & Templates.
This includes five sections, each providing information on related player welfare topics and frequently asked questions:
- Section 1: Clothing & Equipment
- Section 2: First Aid Provision (Facilities, Equipment & Treatment)
- Section 3: Medical conditions
- Section 4: Forms & Templates
- Section 5: Useful Links
To access this information use the link below.
Emergency First Aid Courses.
The ptovision of emergency first aid is now a requiremernt under Regulation 9 for Age Grade Rugby Although it has been known for a number of seasons it is appreciated that adequate numbers of First Aiders may take some time to be trained and therefore it is essential that you have a plan that details how you cover the requirement today and the plan to recruit and train first aiders to fully meet Regulation 9.
There are a number of RFU course tutors within and near Essex CB. You can make initial contact to arrange a course using the link to the map below. The RFU is currently recruiting more tutors for these courses.
However as an alternative Level 3 First Aid @ Work is acceptable
Howden Risk Assessment Tool.
In order to assist Clubs in meeting Regulation 9, the RFU have worked with Howdens to create a tool, that will assist clubs to create a development plan on how they will become compliant with Regulation 9.
The risk assessment proforma can be accessed at The England Rugby Insurance Centre, which is on the Howdens website and can accessed at:
Once a club have completed their risk assessment they must make sure to update the club’s player welfare section on GMS.

HEADCASE – Concussion management
The RFU’s HEADCASE programme aims to increase understanding and provide information on concussion and other related topics, including how to prevent and manage suspected concussions. It is recognised as one of the UK’s leading concussion awareness and education resources.
If in doubt, sit them out